Clyne Heritage Society

Clyne Heritage Society

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Aultcraggie Excavation

CHS Archaeological Excavation 2023 - May 22 - June 02

Following on from last year's successful and enjoyable dig at Greeanan, Strath Brora, we have identified another site for a further dig this year, to capitalise on the enthusiasm for our archaeology from far and wide.

With kind permission of local crofter, Allan Grant, we can gain easy access to three Bronze/Iron Age Hut Circles (Roundhouses) and these will be the focus for this year's dig.

The remains of these prehistoric dwelling sites are between 4,500 - 2,000 years old. We hope to find evidence which will tell us exactly how old they are, as well as how these people lived and what they did.

We would love you coming to join us to have fun, learn new things and meet new people, either digging (come for as short or long a time as you'd like - no experience necessary) or just come for a look (dogs welcome on a lead at all times). We will be on site daily from 9am till 5pm. Refreshments provided.

Own transport to location and accommodation required, if necessary. All training and equipment provided by GUARD Archaeology.

It's a fantastic opportunity to see some of the early origins of our area and is not to be missed! All Welcome.

We are delighted to be in partnership with Brora Golf Club for their Golf Week (May 28 - June 02). With our archaeological excavation at Aultcraggie running almost in parallel, we are able to offer Golf Week participants and family members several heritage activity options throughout the week, including taking part in the dig itself! Download the full programme HERE.

Proceeds from the Golf Week raffle and silent auction have been very generously and kindly offered to Clyne Heritage Society to help with funding for the dig. Please support Brora Golf Week!

Contact or phone 01408 621338 for directions and further details.

Many thanks to our funders who have helped to make this possible:
Gordonbush Wind Farm Community Benefit Trust
Highland Council
Gordonbush Estate
Brora Golf Club
Rotary Club of East Sutherland

© 2014-2024 Clyne Heritage Society. Registered Charity no. SC028193