Clyne Heritage Society

Clyne Heritage Society

Related web sites

More information about the cultural, social and economic history of Caithness and Sutherland can be had from the sites listed here.

Click on any title to go there.

Am Baile
A bi-lingual online archive of the culture of the Scottish Highlands and Islands - available in Scottish and Gaelic.

Highland Council – Archives

Highland Council – Historic Environment Team

North of Scotland Archaeological Society
Furthering the study of archaeology in the North of Scotland and promoting that interest to a wider audience.

Award-winning museum at Helmsdale with a permanent collection and changing exhibitions, art gallery, riverside café, shop showing arts and crafts and a riverside garden of Scottish herbs and flowers.

Web site of our neighbour, the Dornoch Heritage Society, and their museum.

© 2014-2024 Clyne Heritage Society. Registered Charity no. SC028193